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Before 960
Pomeranian tribal state

  • Beginning of the 10th century - Stronghold on Góra Gradowa.

  • Ca 930 Construction of a stronghold in the place of today's Main Town.

  • The 10-11th century. Construction of a fortified stronghold at the mouth of the Motława River to the Vistula River.

ca 960 - 1227
Duchy/Kingdom of Poland

  • Half of the 13th century. Construction of the fortifications of the Old Town

  • 1272 Demolition of the fortifications of the Old Town.

  • 1280s Construction of the church of St. Nicolaus

Duchy of Pomerania

  • Half of the 13th century. Construction of the fortifications of the Old Town

  • 1272 Demolition of the fortifications of the Old Town.

  • 1280s Construction of the church of St. Nicolaus

Kingdom of Poland


State of the Teutonic Order

  • Since 1338 Construction of the Teutonic castle

  • First half of the 14th century Construction of the Main Town Hall

  • 1343 Beginning of the construction of the Main Town walls

  • 1343 Start of construction of the St Mary Church


Kingdom of Poland/Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth

(first republic)

  • 1454 Demolition of the Teutonic castle

  • 1470 Construction of Wisłoujście Lighthouse

  • 1534-1577 Construction of western line of city bastion fortification  

  • 1576 construction of new Motlawa canal

  • 1586–1602 Construction of Fort Carré in Wisłoujście 

  • 1600–1605 Construction of Great Armoury

  • 1622–1635 Construction of northern, eastern and southern line of bastion fortification 

  • 1633 Neptun fountain

  • 1624–1626 Construction of Wisłoujście Eastern Rampart


Kingdom of Prussia


Free City of Gdańsk

(under the protection of France)

  • 1807-1813 Napoleonic extension of the fortifications


Kingdom of Prussia/German Empire/Weimar Republic

  • 1852 Construction of the railway gate, the last city gate of Gdańsk

  • 1869-1910 Construction  of coastal artillery batteries

  • 1895-1920 Demolition the 17th century walls

  • 1852 Construction of the railway gate, the last city gate of Gdańsk

  • 1869-1910 Construction  of coastal artillery batteries

  • 1895-1920 Demolition the 17th century walls


Free City of Gdańsk

(under the protection

of League of Nations)

  • ​1926-1939 Construction of a Polish military depot at Westerplatte


German Reich


Polish People's Republic

  • 1950-1960  Reconstruction of the Main Town

1989 - 

Republic of Poland

(third Republic)

  • 2010-2014 Construction of European Solidarity Centre

  • 2014-2017 Construction of Museum of the Second World War

before 960

Conquest of Gdańsk by Poland

997 First written mention of
the city of Gdańsk
1226 Creation of the
Teutonic Order State on the
Polish-Prussian border

1280s A colony of
merchants from Lübeck is
established in Gdańsk.

1308-1309 Demolition of
the city by Teutonic Order
1343 Founding of the Main
City (Rechtstadt)
1361 Gdańsk joins of the
Hanseatic League

1454- ca 1655 Golden age
of Gdańsk
1454-1466 Thirteen Years;
War between Poland and
State of Teutonic Order
1522 Beginning of the
Reformation in Gdańsk
1576-1577 The rebellion of
the city of Danzig against the king.

Siege of the city by Polish troops
1655–1661 “The Deluge”,
Polish-Swedish war, siege of
1734 Siege of Gdańsk by
Russian and Saxon troops
1772 First partition of
Poland by Austria, Prussia
and Russia

1793 Second partition of
Poland by Prussia and
1795 Third partition of
Poland by Austria, Prussia
and Russia
1806-1807 Siege of Gdańsk
by French, Polish, Italian
and Saxon troops

1812/1813 Napoleon’s
Russia campaign
1813-1814 Siege of Gdańsk
by Russian and Prussian

1939 Attack on
Westerplatte, beginning of
World War II

1945 Destruction of the
historic center of Gdańsk,
end of World War II

1989 Parliamentary election
in Poland - first free election
in Eastern Europe
1989 Fall of the Berlin Wall
2004 Poland joins the EU

1815 Congress of Vienna
1914-1918 WorldWar I
1918 Rise of the Republic of
Poland (second republic)

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Documentation of monumental complexes in Gdańsk 


Earliest fortifications of the city 14th-15th
Medieval Period

15 Latarniana

(PL) Baszta Latarniana

(DE)Wehrturm in der Laternengasse

16 Straw Tower

(PL) Baszta Słomiana

(DE) Strohturm

17 Torture House and Prison Tower

(PL) Zespół przedbramia Ulicy Długiej

(Katownia i Wieża Więzienna)

(DE) Langerstraßentorkomplex (Peinkammer und Stockturm)


18 Corner Tower

(PL) Baszta Narożna
(DE) Eckturm am Stadthof

19 Corner Walls

(PL) Murami Narożna

20 Schultz Tower

(PL) Baszta Schultza

(DE) Schultz Turm

21 Tower of Anchors

(PL) Baszta Kotwiczników

(DE) Ankerschmiedeturm

22 Pod Zręb Tower

(PL) Baszta pod Zrębem / Baszta Atutowa

(DE) Trumpfturm

23 White Tower

(PL) Baszta Biała
(DE) Weißer Turm

24 New Tower

(PL) Baszta Nowa

(DE) Neuer Turm

25 Remains of the walls of the Teutonic castle

(PL) Relikty murów zamku krzyżackiego

(DE) Relikte der Mauern der Deutschordensburg

1 Cow’s Gate

(PL) Brama Krowia

(DE) Kuhtor

2 Cog Gate (new green gate)

(PL) Brama kogi teraz Brama Zielona

3 Chlebnicka Gate

(PL) Brama Chlebnicka

(DE) Brotbänkentor

4 St. Mary's Gate

(PL) Brama Mariacka

(DE) Frauentor

5 Holy Spirit Gate

(PL) Brama Świętego Ducha

(DE) Heilige Geist Tor

6 Crane Gate

(PL) ŻurawKrantor

7 St. John's Gate

(PL) Brama Świętojańska

(DE) Johannistor

8 Staganiarska Gate

(PL) Brama Straganiarska
(DE) Häkertor

9 Golden Gate

(PL) Złota Brama

(DE) Goldenes Tor (Langgasser Tor)

10 Stągiewna Gates

(PL) Brama Stągiewna
(DE) Milchkannentor

11 Swan Tower

(PL) Baszta Łabędź

(DE) Schwanturm

12 Eastern part of northern Walls

(PL) Murami Łabędź

13 Western part of northern Walls

(PL) Murami Katov

14 Jacek Tower

(PL)Baszta Jacek
(DE) Kiek in de Kök Turm

Early modern fortifications
16th century and first half of 17th century

33 Wyskok Bastion

(PL) Bastion Wyskok

(DE) Aussprung Bastion

34 Bear Bastion

(PL) Bastion Miś
(DE) Bëren Bastion

35 Królik Bastion

(PL) Bastion Królik

36 St. Elizabeth’s Bastion

(PL) Bastion Św. Elżbiety

(DE) Elisabeth Bastion

37 Cat Bastion

(PL) Bastion Kot

(DE) Katze Bastion

38 Wiebe Bastion

(PL) Bastion Wibego
(DE) Wieben Bastion

26 High Gate

(PL) Brama Wyżynna

(DE) Hohes Tor

27 Lowland Gate

(PL) Brama Nizinna

(DE) Leeges Tor

28 Żuławy Gate (Long Gardens Gate)

(PL) Brama Żuławska (Brama Długich Ogrodów)
(DE) Langgarter Tor

29 St Gertrude Bastion

(PL) Bastion św. Gertrudy

(DE) Gertrude Bastion

30 Aurochs Bastion

(PL) Bastion Żubr

(DE) Aurochs Bastion Maidloch Bastion

31 Stone Sluice (Main Sluice)

(PL) Śluza Kamienna (Główna Śluza)

(DE) Steinschleuze (Hauptschleuse)

32 Wolf Bastion

(PL) Bastion Wilk

(DE) Wolf Bastion

External fortifications
Second half of the 17th and 18th centuries

39 Jesuit Rampart

(PL) Szaniec Jezuicki

(DE) Jesuiten Schanze

40 Fortification of Bishops Hill

(PL) Fortyfikacje Biskupiej Górki

(DE) Bishofs Berg Fortifications

41 Fortifications of Gradowa Hill (Grodzisko)

(PL) Zespół fortyfikacji Grodziska

(DE) Hagels Berg

42 Wisłoujście Fortress Complex

(PL) Zespół fortyfikacji Wisłoujścia

(DE) Weichselmünde

19th and 20th centuries

43 Fortifications of Railway Gate

(PL) Brama kolejowa 

44 Osiek Shelter

(PL) Schron na Osieku

45 Hospital Shelter

(PL) Schron szpitala na ul . Klinicznej

46 Seagulls Rampart

(PL) Mewi Szaniec

(DE) Möwen Schanze

47 Westerplatte Peninsula Fortification

(PL) Zespół fortyfikacji Westerplatte
(DE) Westerplatte Fortification

48 Port Battery

(PL) Bateria Portowa

(DE) Port Baterie

49 Beach Battery

(PL) Bateria Plażowa

(DE) Strand Baterie

50 Village Battery

(PL) Bateria Wiejska

(DE) Dorfbatterie

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