This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie grant agreement N° 821870

Raffaella De Marco, Alberto Pettineo (2022). The recognition of heritage qualities from feature-based digital procedures in the analysis of historical urban contexts. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVI-2/W1-2022, 175–182, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVI-2-W1-2022-175-2022.
Anna Dell'Amico (2022). Memoria e modello digitale. La costruzione di un sistema informativo per la salvaguardia del patrimonio architettonico diffuso dell’Upper Kama. Restauro Archeologico, 30(1), 32-53. https://doi.org/10.36253/rar-12164
Sandro Parrinello, Raffaella De Marco (2021). Digital surveying and 3D modelling structural shape pipelines for instability monitoring in historical buildings: a strategy of versatile mesh models for ruined and endangered heritage. In: Acta IMEKO, vol. 10, no. 1, article 12, March 2021, identifier: IMEKO-ACTA-10 (2021)-01-12.
Francesca Picchio, Raffaella De Marco, Anna Dell’Amico, Elisabetta Doria, Francesca Galasso, Silvia La Placa, Alessia Miceli, Sandro Parrinello (2020). Procedure di analisi e modellazione urbana per la gestione dei centri storici. Betlemme, Solikamsk, Cattaro e Santo Domingo. Paesaggio Urbano, vol. 2, 103 - 115, ISSN 1120-3544
Sandro Parrinello, Federico Cioli (2020). Establishment of a Complex Database for the Study of Cultural Heritage through the Reading and Analysis of the Traditional Architecture of Upper Kama. In: (eds by) Horst Kremers. Digital Cultural Heritage. p. 51-61, Cham:Springer, ISBN: 9783030152000
Sandro Parrinello (2020). Cultural Heritage analysis practices conducted through the use of drones: towards a renewed dimension of research. In: (eds by) Salvatore Barba, Sandro Parrinello, Marco Limongello, Anna Dell'Amico. D-SITE Drones - Systems of Information on culTural hEritage For a spatial and social investigation, pp. 21-29, Pavia University Press, 2020. ISBN 978-88-6952-120-1
Francesca Picchio (2020). Acquisition Protocols fo UAV photogrammetric data. Comparison in methodological SfM procedures from architectural till urban scale. In: (eds by) Salvatore Barba, Sandro Parrinello, Marco Limongello, Anna Dell'Amico. D-SITE Drones - Systems of Information on culTural hEritage For a spatial and social investigation, pp. 70-79, Pavia University Press, 2020. ISBN 978-88-6952-120-1
Anastasia Semina Evgenievna, Svetlana Maksimova Valentinovna, Julia Bushmakova Viktorovna (2020). UAVs for strategic master planning. In: (eds by) Salvatore Barba, Sandro Parrinello, Marco Limongello, Anna Dell'Amico. D-SITE Drones - Systems of Information on culTural hEritage For a spatial and social investigation, pp. 324-329, Pavia University Press, 2020. ISBN 978-88-6952-120-1
Raffaella De Marco, Anna Dell’Amico (2020). Connettere il territorio tra patrimonio e informazione: banche dati e modelli per le Cultural Heritage Routes/Connecting the territory between Heritage and Information: databases and models for the Cultural Heritage Routes. In: Arena A., Arena M., Brandolino R.G., Colistra D., Ginex G., Mediati D., Nucifora S., Raffa P. (eds by). Connettere. Un disegno per annodare e tessere. Atti del 42° Convegno Internazionale dei Docenti delle Discipline della Rappresentazione/Connecting. Drawing for weaving relationships. Pro- ceedings of the 42th International Conference of Representation Disciplines Teachers. Milano: FrancoAngeli, pp. 2058-2077.
Sandro Parrinello (2020). La solitudine delle chiese russe nella regione dell'Upper Kama. Un immenso eremo e un paesaggio culturale al confine dell’Europa. In: (eds by) Stefano Bertocci, Sandro Parrinello. Architettura Eremitica Sistemi Progettuali e Paesaggi culturali Atti del V convegno Internazionale di Studi Certosa di Firenze 2020, pp. 147-156 ISBN 978-88-9280-002-1
S.V. Maksimova, A.E. Semina (2020). The analysis of causes of the 17-18 century architectural complex buildings destruction in Usolye, Russia. in EXCO proceedings UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE VALÈNCIA. In print.
S.V.Maksimova, A.E.Semina (2020). Landscape analysis for digital description of urban morphology of Upper Kama region towns. in (eds by) Strappa, G., Carlotti, P. 5th ISUFItaly 2020 International Conference Rome, 19-22 February 2020.
Sandro Parrinello, Anna Dell'Amico (2019). Experience of Documentation for the Accessibility of Widespread Cultural Heritage. HERITAGE, vol. 2, p. 1032-1044, ISSN: 2571-9408
Sandro Parrinello, Raffaella De Marco (2019). Integration and modelling of 3D data as strategy for structural diagnosis in Endangered Sites. The study case of Church of the Annunciation in Pokcha (Russia). In: 2019 IMEKO TC-4 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON METROLOGY FOR ARCHAEOLOGY AND CULTURAL HERITAGE. p. 223-228, IMEKO, ISBN: 978-92-990084-5-4
Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio, Raffaella De Marco, Anna Dell'Amico (2019). Documenting the Cultural Heritage Routes. The creation of informative models of historical Russian churches on Upper Kama Region. In: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.. INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol. Volume XLII-2/W15, p. 887-894, ISBN: 978-88-492-3295-0, ISSN: 2194-9034, Ávila, Spain, 1–5 September 2019. doi: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W15-887-2019
Sandro Parrinello, Francesca Picchio, Raffaella De Marco, Anna Dell'Amico (2019). PROMETHEUS. PROtocols for information Models librariEs Tested on HEritage of Upper kama Sites. MSCA RISE 2018. In: II Simposio UID di internazionalizzazione della ricerca. Patrimoni culturali, Architettura, Paesaggio e Design tra ricerca e sperimentazione didattica. p. 168-173. DidaPRESS, ISBN: 9788833380827, Matera, 22 ottobre 2019.
International Conference: Mondialcult 2022: Resiliart Debate - “ResiliArt - Digital Documentation as a process of rewriting culture. Digital identity and virtual space of architectural creation and the role of digital tools to increase the meaning of culture”, 23/02/2022. Online event.
International Conference: 3D-ARCH 2022, 2-4/03/2022, Mantova (Italy).
International Conference: Proyecto avanzado de levantamiento del patrimonio arquitectónico, 16-18/03/2022, Escuela técnica superior de ingeniería de edification (ETSIE), Sevilla (Spain).
International Conference: The Route of Jaime I. Survey and analysis for evaluation enhancement and managment of European Cultural Heritage routes', 25/07/2022, Valencia (Spain).
International Conference: Architettura Eremitica Sistemi Progettuali e Paesaggi culturali, 30-09/1-10/2021, Florence (Italy).
International Conference: Documenting the historical architectural heritage using digital technologies, Bournemouth University, Community design and cultural and natural asset digitisation, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Tokyo University. 08/07/2021, Online event.
International Conference: EXCO’20, UPV, 05/02/2020, Valencia (Spain).
International Conference: 5th ISUFItaly 2020 International Conference Rome, 19-22 February 2020, Rome (Italy).
International Conference: 3D, BIM e semantica per la documentazione digitale del patrimonio archeologico e architettonico. Lo stato dell’arte in Italia: iniziative, progetti e risultati. 03/04/2020. Online event.
International Conference: III UID Symposium Internationalization of research on the occasion of the II Edition of the Days of Restoration and Cultural Heritage. 10/06/2020. Online event.
International Conference: RUINS. Sustainable reuse, conservation and modern management of historical ruins in Central Europe -elaboration of an integrated model and guidelines based on the synthesis of the best European experiences.14-15/06/2020, Lublin (Poland).
International Conference: 3rd International Seminar Architectures of the Soul (Arquitecturas da Alma), 25/09/2020, Lisbon (Portugal). Online event.
International Conference: Digital & Documentation vol.3 Know and communicate Cultural Heritage, 4/12/2020, Rome (Italy). Online event.
International Conference: Kick-off meeting in Perm, February-March 2019, Perm (Russia).
International Conference: Cipa Heritage Documentation 27th International Symposium,1-5 /09/2019 Avila (Spain).
International Conference: II Symposium UID, 22/10/2019, Matera (Italy).
International Conference: IMEKO TC-4, International Conference METRO ARCHAEO, 5/12/2019, Florence (Italy).
European Research Nights